I spent a day and a half birding with Paula and Diego of Colombia Birdhouse. This couple is great. They are fun and both excellent birders. We birded around the town of Jardín and then high into the nearby Andes ridges.
I highly recommend this birding team. If you are anywhere in the area, you can contact them here at Colombia Birdhouse.
I have posted a few pictures of the guides leading the way and then photos of some of the more interesting species.
Photos of the guides and the backdrop:
Andean Cock-of the-rock. One of the strangest birds I have ever seen.
Yellow-eared Parrot - endangered and very localized in the Andes.
Chestnut-naped Antpitta - Reclusive and beautiful
Tourmaline Sunangel - great name for a bird
Slaty Brushfinch
Andean Motmot
Poor pic of a Golden-fronted Redstart
Whoa! That first bird - amazing! Lots of very beautiful birds!
Amazing photos! I'm jealous!